Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Important Dance Information!

Next Tuesday and Wednesday we will have a Christmas Pizza Party. All Tuesday classes will come Tuesday (the 20th) at

3:15-4:00. All Wednesday classes will meet at 4:15-5:15 on Wednesday (the 21st). We will eat pizza and perform our dances for each other. It should be fun!

We will NOT hold dance the week between Christmas and New Year’s. We will start back on Tuesday, Jan. 3rd and Wed. the 4th.

Our annual, mandatory Dress Rehearsal is Saturday, January 14th at the old Madison High School (now MJH) from 3:30-4:30. We will be squeezed in between city rec basketball games, so PLEASE be there on time!!!

All costumes need to be paid for in full the first week of January. The cost of all the costumes is listed on the blog on the right hand side under the picture of the costume. Everyone has paid the initial $20 deposit, but most of you still owe for the remaining balance. If there is a question, call me or come in and take a look at your payment envelope in the waiting room. Tights are also needed to be paid for in full the first of January. All tights are an even $10. The only class NOT needing tights are “Dancing Queen”.

All dancers need to be in costume for the recital. Tights are optional. There is only one pair per girl, so if you rip them, you are on your own to buy new ones. Hair does not need to be done the same way for rehearsal, just the performances. Our first performance is Wed. January 18th at the South Fremont High School. You must arrive and be in full costume by 7:30. We will meet on the stage. For a list of all other performances, please keep checking the blog (again, right hand side).

Hair Styles for Performances:

“Leader of the pack” -High back ponytail with ribbon

“Boyfriends back”- Down and curly all over

“Dancing queen”- Down and flipped up on the bottom, headband

“Beat it”- high back ponytail ratted (kinda crazy, no curls)

“Pump up the jam”- Low side ponytail on the right

“Love Me” Down and curly

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dress Rehearsal set for January 14th!

The MANDATORY Dress rehearsal is set for Saturday, January 14th from 3:30-4:30 at the old Madison High School (now Madison Jr. High). THIS IS A MUST FOR ALL DANCERS!!! We perform the next week, so this will be very important to have all the dancers get to. Thanks! Please let me know if something does come up and your dancer cannot be there. Please put this on your calendars!

Also, tights are on their way...those along with the costume need to be paid in full by the first week of January! Please come inside the gym to find out how much you owe for both, all tights are $10! Thanks!

Also, the Tuesday at 4:15 classes costumes are a little big. If your daughter is in this class and you were not there this week, please be sure to come in and pay for your costume this week so you can take it and alter it if needed. Some of the pants are just too long and it is a quick and easy fix, but I do want to allow enough time for you all to do so. any questions please call. Also, this class does not need tights. thanks

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I am back!

Sorry this post is a bit internet is playing games with us :)

I am back and ready to dance! Hope to see you all there this week! we have lots of polishing to do! We will take the week of Christmas's only one week this year so that is good! Thanks for your patience and understanding with taking the last 2 weeks off. Can't wait to see all the cute little dancers this week!!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

NO dance for 2 weeks...

Remember no dance for the next 2 weeks... Thanksgiving week and the week after. See you all the first week of December ( after this week!) Thanks

Monday, November 7, 2011

More costumes have arrived!

The LEader of the Pack and My Boyfriend's Back costumes have arrived and they are SOOOO cute! I love them! Please be at class so we can try them on and make sure they fit!

See you all at dance this week! We are wrapping up the dances, so please get your dancer here! THanks!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November payment due today!

Please pay November tuition this week, along with the first costume deposit if you have not done so already. The deposit is $20.00. There will be a list up on the wall next week of those who have and have not yet paid it. Please check that if there is a question. THanks!!

Also, there will be NO dance the week of Thanksgiving AND the following week. We are going out of town for the Holiday and will not be returning until the next Wednesday. We will hold another extra practice before we perform in January.

Thank you everyone. I feel like all the dances are turning out great and the girls are all so wonderful. It really helps if we are in full attendance for the next few weeks, we are learning the last part of all the dances. Thanks!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Make-up day on Saturday

I feel so bad having to cancel all the Wed. classes last week, but I did have strep so I am glad I did not teach! I will be having a make up day on Saturday (october 29th). Times are listed below. PLEASE try to make it if you can, but I understand it is a Saturday and some of you are travelling a little ways, so this is only if you can come. Also, dancers can wear their pajamas, which makes it sort of fun! Thanks for all your patience. I've been off to a rocky start, but hopefully we will be healthy from here on out (although my little boy has the flu today :)) Anyway, we will see you all this week! Thanks!!!

If you come Wednesdays at 3:15 and 5:25, please come on Saturday at 9 a.m. (Those classes dance to Love Me and Pump up the Jam).
If you come Wednesdays at 4:20 and dance to Beat it then please come Saturday at 10 a.m.
If you have any questions please call me at 356-7227

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

NO dance, wednesday

I am sorry to have to cancel...I was up all night with chills and sweating and body aches and a sore throat that keeps getting worse. In 5 years I have never cancelled because i am sick and I have had to twice already. we will make up for these missed lessons with practices before we start performing. Again, sorry for the inconvenience....believe me I would rather be teaching dance than feeling like this! Thanks everyone! :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Dance Resumes this week!

Because of the amount of rain we got last week, we are not nearly done with our spud harvest (along with everyone else) so PLEASE be careful when coming to dance of the spud trucks and slow tractors on the road. Our shop isn't too busy... but remember trucks cannot see behind or around them and they will not be watching for little dancers at our house. Please watch your little ones and be prompt with pick up and drop off!! I so appreciate it! Life has been a bit crazy for me, but I will post pics of the costumes soon...I promise! I just need to take the time to do it! :)

HOpe to see you all there this week. Remember Oct. tuition is due, along with the first costume deposit of $20.00!!! Thanks and hope you all had a great week break!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Measuring for costumes

We will be measuring for costumes this week, so if your dancer is sick and unable to make it, please call me and I will get their measurements from you...I like to order costumes over harvest! Thanks!!!

Also, remember no dance the week of Madison's harvest break. Oct. 3-10th. We'll see you all back the next week!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dance this week...

I got my music cut over the weekend, so all songs are ready to be danced too! I am really excited! Please have your dancers here ready to go this week! I am feeling better and ready to get dancing! Thanks for all your understanding Wednesday dancers! :) see you all this week! Remember: I f you have not yet paid for the month of Sept., that is due this week. Thank you!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

No dance today. Wednesday, Sept. 14th

I hope all of you got a text from me, but I am super sick and cannot do dance today (plus I don't think you would want your girls around me!) I am sorry, and i will see you all next week. Thanks!- Michelle

Monday, September 5, 2011

Dance begins this week!

Tomorrow is the first day for all Tuesday classes!!! I am so excited for the new year! Tomorrow and Wednesday will just be getting to know one another and getting a feel for the class. If you still have not yet sent in your registration info., please bring that tomorrow or Wednesday! If you are needing directions to my house, please call me! 356-7226! We will see you all this week!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dance begins the week of Labor Day!

Dance will begin the week of Labor Day...Sept. 6th and 7th! I forgot to write that in the registration papers. SO sorry!!! Can't wait for the year to begin!!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Thanks to everyone!!!

Thank you to everyone for everything this dance year! I still have some pictures for those of you who weren't there at the recital. I also have a WHOLE bunch of recipe books because I forgot to hand them out. If you want one please let me know!!! THanks again! I loved my flowers and gift card and candy bar poster. You ladies are the best!!!! :)

Also, I am starting to teach ZUMBA for anyone interested...I will teach Mon., Wed., and Thurs. nights from 8:45-9:45. The first class is free and after that it is $3 a class or $25 for 10. I would love anyone and everyone to come out and "join the party". It's been great so far...

Thanks again! I love your girls!!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Recital time is here!!!!

PLEASE have all dancers at the recital at 3:45 tomorrow so that I can make sure they are all there before we begin at 4:00 sharp! The two morning classes need to be in their t-shirts at the beginning (these are just over the top of their costumes). The rest of the classes (all afternoon classes) will wear their t-shirts for the very last dance. The order of dances goes as follows:

1- I'm a little Teapot
2-"when I look at you"
3-Eenie Meenie
4-Loser Like Me (solo)
5- Gift of a Friend
6-Girls Just wanna have fun
8-Party in the USA- Finale
9-Gifts, acknowledgements, pictures

PLEASE do not leave until after I introduce each dancer, give them their pictures, and a gift from me. I will anticipate the entire recital to last only 45 minutes to an hour. Remember to bring all shoes, wear their hair as they are suppose to, and put some blush and lipstick on your dancer! :)

Remember: "When I look at you" class wears black bottoms for the Party in the USA dance. parents are responsible to help change their dancer AFTER they perform their When I look at you dance. (HOpe that makes sense!)

Thanks for a great year everyone!!! If any of this is unclear and you have any questions, please call me at 356-7226!

I will miss all the girls this summer! I have had a fantastic year with them all and I hope they have had fun, too! Thanks to all you parents for your dedication and support! Without you there would be no sugar and spice dance co.!! I really appreciate you and your beautiful daughters. Thanks again for a great year!!!

**** Also, if you contributed to the recipe book and have not yet received a copy, please find Bridgett AFTER the recital and she will give you one... if you would like one and did not contribute, then it is $2.00 a copy. EVERYONE should want one, there are some GREAT recipes in this thing! :)****

Monday, April 18, 2011

Times for rehearsal on Wednesday!!!

ALL morning classes will come at 10:30-11:15 on THIS Wednesday (the 20th). This is the last class lesson of the year!!!

ALL afternoon classes will come at 4:00-5:00 on THIS Wednesday to practice the finale number. PLEASE have all dancers there!!!

Also, the recital is THIS Saturday, April 23rd at 4:00 sharp at the South Fremont High School. Please have all dancers there by 3:45 dressed and ready to go. They need to ALL be in their performance costumes but BRING their t-shirts!!! They will just throw the t-shirts over their costumes EXCEPT THE 4:10 CLASS. (When I Look At You) Class, all these dancers will need to bring something black to change into with the t-shirts on. I announced this a few weeks ago at class, but I don't know if everyone has heard about it yet, if not, I am sorry. I kept forgetting to blog it. All this class needs is black leggings, shorts, whatever as long as it is black. Their tutu's are just too poofy to wear with the t-shirt. I have several black things between my 3 daughters if anyone needs to borrow something. Again, it is this class only. All other classes are okay.

Please note the sign up sheets that will be hanging in the waiting room on Wednesday. Due to a large amount of sign-ups and I haven't opened it to the public officially yet, I decided to split classes and teach 2 days a week. This way I can accept new students, yet keep the numbers in each class down. There will be 2 afternoon classes held on Tuesdays and only 1 morning class with all girls between the ages of 3-5. Check out the papers so this will make sense and let me know if the day I have your daughter in will not work.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Please try to have your dancer there for dance today!!! We are just polishing up everything for the recital (ESPECIALLY AFTERNOON CLASSES!) Last week we had way too many missing and it is hard to polish things up with our finale dance when not everyone is there.

Also, t-shirts are here, so I will hand those out today to those who have paid for them. If you have not paid please do that today! thanks!!! $10.

Also, if you are not yet paid up for the year, please do that today or next week.

Next week the morning classes will come together at 10:30 a.m. and all 3 afternoon classes will come together at 3:30-4:15.

The recital is set for April 23rd at 4:00 pm. It will be short and sweet! :) Thanks everyone! If you have problems or concerns please call me at 356-7226!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Attention to these moms who need to come and look at pictures again...due to the writing of wrong numbers :)

Lyndsee Gundersen, Bridgette Gneiting, Claire Gentry, Shayna Hodges, Marta Tuckett, and Jess Baler.

No big deal, but the computer will be here tomorrow only! If you cannot make it let me know, but Elisa NEEDS to get these ordered to be here before recital time. Please come in and take a quick peak. THanks!!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Recital is set!

RECITAL is set for Saturday April 23rd at 4:00p.m. at the South Fremont High School. PLEASE try to be there! It is the end of the year. I can't believe it! SIgn ups are still open for next year. My afternoon classes are all full, butI do have room in the 6th grade plus and the 3 & 4 year old classes. See you all Wednesday! Also, thanks to all of you who have contributed a recipe or 2!! So far i have a whole bunch!! I am starting to organize them now, so I will hopefully have them ready to print by next week. If you want a copy e-mail me a recipe (or bring one to dance) by Wednesday or pay $2 to get a copy! Thanks everyone!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Pictures on Wednesday!

PLEASE be sure to have your dancer in costumes with hair and make-up done on wednesday for their pictures at their regular class times. There are 3 packages to choose from, all are great. The first package is $15.95, Package B is 21.95, and Package C is $30.95. You can order additional prints and even keychains or magnets this year!! All will be displayed on Wednesday, just bring your checkbook so you can pay Elisa Allen right then and there. It's a lot easier that way!!!
YOu will be able to choose your favorite photos on a computer as they are being taken.

I will hand out the pictures at the final recital. Which by the way :) I finally got a date for, but now I think I will have to change it. He scheduled me for April 23rd which is the Saturday of Easter weekend. It's also South Fremont's spring break. I didn not realize it when we scheduled that. So, I am pretty sure we will not get 100% attendance there if we stick with that day, so I called today but he was not in, so hang tight. I PROMISE there will be a date soon!!

Also, remember the $10 t-shirt fee due by next week!! I already paid for them, so the sooner the better! Thank you!! We will see you all on Wednesday!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Performance tonight!!

Please be at the Madison High School no later than 7:00 tonight all dressed and ready to go! Your dancer can sit with you in the bleachers. Please watch for 2 numbers before your dancer is to perform and send them down to me. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Schedule for the rest of the month:

We have a performance (see below post) on THURSDAY, the 17th. This is a sudden one, so I hope you can all make it! :) We need to be at Madison High no later than 5:15...we will perform around 5:45. This is for a great cause and it does cost $4/person (excluding the dancer) to get in!

Wednesday the 23rd is also another performance at Madison High...the Drill Team Recital. We are the filler numbers, so feel free to leave as soon as your dancer is done. We need to all be there by 6:45. I will have a better idea of when your dancer performs by next week. THe cost for this is $2 /person or $10 family. Dancer excluded.

NO Afternoon dance on the 23rd because of the performance, but we will hold both a.m. classes!

Wednesday March 30th is PICTURE Day!!! Please come at regular class times but with hair, make-up and costume done. We will take a few group shots and then give about 3 minutes per girl for some individual shots. YOu do not have to buy any, but packages will be available to choose from that day, so please come with your dancer and bring your checkbook!! Thanks!

Also, that is the day that I will have sign-up sheets posted for next year if you wish to sign up!
My cost is going up a bit, so next year I will charge $20 for the a.m. classes and $25 for the afternoon classes. Times, ages, and everything in between :) will be presented on the sheets that day. Thank you!

I am having a REALLY hard time getting a gym for the final recital. Hopefully I will have a date for that soon!

Thanks for all your patience everyone and please let me know if you cannot attend the next 2 performances. Please make every effort to be there...the company as a whole looks better if everyone is in attendance and the girls love to perform!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Last night after dance I received a phone call from a lady who is organizing a basketball fund raiser for children with disabilities and wanted our group to come perform at a 1/2 time for the cause. I thought this is a great opportunity for some service so I told her yes :) We will perform Thursday, March 17th at 5:30 p.m. at Madison High School. I need everyone there by 5:00. I am sorry to just throw this into the schedule, but I think any opportunity to perform is fun for the girls and it is for a great cause. Thanks everyone. Please let me know if you cannot attend.

Remember no dance on the 9th. Have a great two weeks! See you all on the 16th at lessons and the 17th for the performance! Thanks!!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

E-mail is...

Incase you would like to e-mail me your recipes, my e-mail is thanks to those of you who have already submitted some! They are all so yummy sounding so far! :) We will keep taking them until the middle of March...hopefully we'll get everyone to contribute and have an awesome compilation of some new recipes!

We will NOT have dance on March 9th...think of it as a "Spring Break" :) Thanks!!!

All is good!

Roads are fine. See you all at dance today!!! Bring your recipes! :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Watch the weather...

If we had dance today (Tuesday) I would have had to cancel because the roads at my house are NOT good. Watch the blog in the morning ( I heard the winds were suppose to get worse- we'll see) If the plow does not come by we will be snowed in. Please check the blog in the morning and remember if MADISON is out, there is no dance. Thanks guys! Also, see previous post about my recipe idea! I have only had 2 recipes submitted so far. Let's do this ladies! :) thanks hopefully we will see you ALL tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thanks and recipes! ;)

Thank you to all of you who have been faithfully attending our performances and bringing your girls to dance practice. I thought they looked great at all the performances and I have recieved a lot of compliments and phone calls to sign new girls up :) I appreciate your efforts to get your dancers there. It really helps me out a lot!!! Dance is on normal schedule for the whole month of February. No performances until March 23rd. I am always looking for feedback and any opinions you have on how things are going, so please feel free to call me with any concerns you have.

A couple of years ago, I asked for all the dance moms to type up some of their favorite recipes and bring a copy of it to dance. I compiled a small cookbook (nothing fancy, just photocopies of the copies you bring me). I would like to do that again this year. I actually use that recipe book a lot and I know I am always looking for some new, good, tried an true recipes. I think I would like any of you who would like to contribute to turn them into me any Wednesday throughout February. I will make copies in March...whoever contributes gets a copy of all the recipes. :) Thanks guys. It should be fun! :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

North Fremont

Don't forget the NOrth Fremont performance tonight at 7:00! we will see you all there! thanks!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

No dance for the MORNING CLASSES only...

We will not hold morning classes due to the cold weather, but I would like to hold the afternoon classes seeing how they have not had class for 2 weeks. I know I have said that if school is out there is no dance, but since the roads are not bad, I think we need to hold the afternoon ones. We will see you all Friday at North Fremont at 7 p.m. Thanks!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

SOuth Fremont Performance Tonight!!!

Please be at the South Fremont High School tonight at 7:30 p.m.! we will meet in the auditorium. Go down the hall to the right when you walk in. The girls did SO great Wed. Night!!! Thanks for everything!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Performance tomorrow night!

We are back in town...sorry this post is so late on Tuesday! My day today has been crazy! :) First and foremost, the dancers need to be dressed and ready at the new Madison High School at 6:00 sharp tomorrow night. This is the JV game, so tell friends and family to be there no later than 6:30 or they may miss it! :)

We have dance for both a.m. classes afternoon classes because of the performance. All shoes are here- sorry for the delay!


10:00 class: Curly ALL over, front up and flower to the left.

11:00 class: High back pony with the BOW on top. No need for the flowery looking hair thing.

3:15 class: Curly all over, leopard print scarf in as a headband (not across the forehead) tied in the back, underneath, with the bow on the left side (so you can see it over their left shoulder)

4:15 class: Curly on top. REMEMBER: revise the head band. Cut it or glue it on an actual headband so that when you put it on their head, it will look more like a headband and not a halo. DO whatever you need to do to pull it down tight, behind ears, with bow tying in the back. The curly top should be in the middle of it. ANy questions call me :)

5:20 class: Side "funky" messy bun on the left with optional colored hairstrip going down the left side and sticking out the messy bun. The funkier the better. :) Paint toenails BRIGHT!

See you all there tomorrow night! Remind your dancers to smile! I am excited!

-Michelle 356-7226

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thank you!

Thanks to all of you who came to the dress rehearsal...I personally think all the classes look SO GREAT!!! Thanks to all of you dedicated parents who get your girls to and from lessons. Thank you so much!! I am excited for the first performance on Wednesday, the 26th! Please keep checking the blog for all info. regarding any performance issues. On wednesday the 26th you will need to have your dancer DRESSED and READY to go at 6:00 sharp at Madison High School. Either me or my husband will be at the door telling you where to go. :)

We DO NOT have dance on Wednesday the 19th...sorry! We are going out of town for the week. :) We tend to do that a few times in the winter to make up for the long working hours my husband puts in in the summer :) I hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone...We will hold dance for both a.m. classes on the 26th, just not the afternoon classes. We then perform again on that Friday, the 28th at 7:00p.m. at South Fremont High School. Again, keep checking the blog for any and all info!

Shoes that had to be reordered will be here for the performance! I will hand them out to you that day!!!! Hairstyles for the performance will be discussed at class FOR SURE tomorrow, so I will post the details of those next...thanks!!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dance tomorrow and dress rehearsal!

The shoes and tights that were ordered are here!! If you ordered shoes, please pay for them tomorrow so you can take them! :) Also, all costumes MUST be paid for this week because of the dress rehearsal on SATURDAY!!! Please have your dancer there!! Costumes cannot be taken home unless paid for :)

C & D classes tights are here...they are $13.oo..these are the 3:15 and 4:15 classes. Please be prepared to pay for those tomorrow, also so you can have them for the rehearsal, too. Shoes are $12.00. Please call me with any questions!!

Dance on the 19th is cancelled due to me being out of town :) Our first performance is the 26th...please see the side bar (top, right) for the schedules of all performances. Remember the rehearsal is at the South Fremont high school on Saturday, the 8th at 1:00. this should only be an hour. It is absolutely to the benefit of the dancer and her class to be there. If there is even one missing, it can confuse a lot of girls...please try to be there so the dancers can be more comfortable come performance time! :)

thank you all for your patience and I hope everyone had a great holiday. Happy New Year and we will see you tomorrow! :)