Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Performance tomorrow night!

We are back in town...sorry this post is so late on Tuesday! My day today has been crazy! :) First and foremost, the dancers need to be dressed and ready at the new Madison High School at 6:00 sharp tomorrow night. This is the JV game, so tell friends and family to be there no later than 6:30 or they may miss it! :)

We have dance for both a.m. classes tomorrow...no afternoon classes because of the performance. All shoes are here- sorry for the delay!


10:00 class: Curly ALL over, front up and flower to the left.

11:00 class: High back pony with the BOW on top. No need for the flowery looking hair thing.

3:15 class: Curly all over, leopard print scarf in as a headband (not across the forehead) tied in the back, underneath, with the bow on the left side (so you can see it over their left shoulder)

4:15 class: Curly on top. REMEMBER: revise the head band. Cut it or glue it on an actual headband so that when you put it on their head, it will look more like a headband and not a halo. DO whatever you need to do to pull it down tight, behind ears, with bow tying in the back. The curly top should be in the middle of it. ANy questions call me :)

5:20 class: Side "funky" messy bun on the left with optional colored hairstrip going down the left side and sticking out the messy bun. The funkier the better. :) Paint toenails BRIGHT!

See you all there tomorrow night! Remind your dancers to smile! I am excited!

-Michelle 356-7226

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