Monday, March 28, 2011

Pictures on Wednesday!

PLEASE be sure to have your dancer in costumes with hair and make-up done on wednesday for their pictures at their regular class times. There are 3 packages to choose from, all are great. The first package is $15.95, Package B is 21.95, and Package C is $30.95. You can order additional prints and even keychains or magnets this year!! All will be displayed on Wednesday, just bring your checkbook so you can pay Elisa Allen right then and there. It's a lot easier that way!!!
YOu will be able to choose your favorite photos on a computer as they are being taken.

I will hand out the pictures at the final recital. Which by the way :) I finally got a date for, but now I think I will have to change it. He scheduled me for April 23rd which is the Saturday of Easter weekend. It's also South Fremont's spring break. I didn not realize it when we scheduled that. So, I am pretty sure we will not get 100% attendance there if we stick with that day, so I called today but he was not in, so hang tight. I PROMISE there will be a date soon!!

Also, remember the $10 t-shirt fee due by next week!! I already paid for them, so the sooner the better! Thank you!! We will see you all on Wednesday!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Performance tonight!!

Please be at the Madison High School no later than 7:00 tonight all dressed and ready to go! Your dancer can sit with you in the bleachers. Please watch for 2 numbers before your dancer is to perform and send them down to me. Thanks!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Schedule for the rest of the month:

We have a performance (see below post) on THURSDAY, the 17th. This is a sudden one, so I hope you can all make it! :) We need to be at Madison High no later than 5:15...we will perform around 5:45. This is for a great cause and it does cost $4/person (excluding the dancer) to get in!

Wednesday the 23rd is also another performance at Madison High...the Drill Team Recital. We are the filler numbers, so feel free to leave as soon as your dancer is done. We need to all be there by 6:45. I will have a better idea of when your dancer performs by next week. THe cost for this is $2 /person or $10 family. Dancer excluded.

NO Afternoon dance on the 23rd because of the performance, but we will hold both a.m. classes!

Wednesday March 30th is PICTURE Day!!! Please come at regular class times but with hair, make-up and costume done. We will take a few group shots and then give about 3 minutes per girl for some individual shots. YOu do not have to buy any, but packages will be available to choose from that day, so please come with your dancer and bring your checkbook!! Thanks!

Also, that is the day that I will have sign-up sheets posted for next year if you wish to sign up!
My cost is going up a bit, so next year I will charge $20 for the a.m. classes and $25 for the afternoon classes. Times, ages, and everything in between :) will be presented on the sheets that day. Thank you!

I am having a REALLY hard time getting a gym for the final recital. Hopefully I will have a date for that soon!

Thanks for all your patience everyone and please let me know if you cannot attend the next 2 performances. Please make every effort to be there...the company as a whole looks better if everyone is in attendance and the girls love to perform!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Last night after dance I received a phone call from a lady who is organizing a basketball fund raiser for children with disabilities and wanted our group to come perform at a 1/2 time for the cause. I thought this is a great opportunity for some service so I told her yes :) We will perform Thursday, March 17th at 5:30 p.m. at Madison High School. I need everyone there by 5:00. I am sorry to just throw this into the schedule, but I think any opportunity to perform is fun for the girls and it is for a great cause. Thanks everyone. Please let me know if you cannot attend.

Remember no dance on the 9th. Have a great two weeks! See you all on the 16th at lessons and the 17th for the performance! Thanks!!!!