Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Please try to have your dancer there for dance today!!! We are just polishing up everything for the recital (ESPECIALLY AFTERNOON CLASSES!) Last week we had way too many missing and it is hard to polish things up with our finale dance when not everyone is there.

Also, t-shirts are here, so I will hand those out today to those who have paid for them. If you have not paid please do that today! thanks!!! $10.

Also, if you are not yet paid up for the year, please do that today or next week.

Next week the morning classes will come together at 10:30 a.m. and all 3 afternoon classes will come together at 3:30-4:15.

The recital is set for April 23rd at 4:00 pm. It will be short and sweet! :) Thanks everyone! If you have problems or concerns please call me at 356-7226!

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