Friday, January 28, 2011

SOuth Fremont Performance Tonight!!!

Please be at the South Fremont High School tonight at 7:30 p.m.! we will meet in the auditorium. Go down the hall to the right when you walk in. The girls did SO great Wed. Night!!! Thanks for everything!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Performance tomorrow night!

We are back in town...sorry this post is so late on Tuesday! My day today has been crazy! :) First and foremost, the dancers need to be dressed and ready at the new Madison High School at 6:00 sharp tomorrow night. This is the JV game, so tell friends and family to be there no later than 6:30 or they may miss it! :)

We have dance for both a.m. classes afternoon classes because of the performance. All shoes are here- sorry for the delay!


10:00 class: Curly ALL over, front up and flower to the left.

11:00 class: High back pony with the BOW on top. No need for the flowery looking hair thing.

3:15 class: Curly all over, leopard print scarf in as a headband (not across the forehead) tied in the back, underneath, with the bow on the left side (so you can see it over their left shoulder)

4:15 class: Curly on top. REMEMBER: revise the head band. Cut it or glue it on an actual headband so that when you put it on their head, it will look more like a headband and not a halo. DO whatever you need to do to pull it down tight, behind ears, with bow tying in the back. The curly top should be in the middle of it. ANy questions call me :)

5:20 class: Side "funky" messy bun on the left with optional colored hairstrip going down the left side and sticking out the messy bun. The funkier the better. :) Paint toenails BRIGHT!

See you all there tomorrow night! Remind your dancers to smile! I am excited!

-Michelle 356-7226

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thank you!

Thanks to all of you who came to the dress rehearsal...I personally think all the classes look SO GREAT!!! Thanks to all of you dedicated parents who get your girls to and from lessons. Thank you so much!! I am excited for the first performance on Wednesday, the 26th! Please keep checking the blog for all info. regarding any performance issues. On wednesday the 26th you will need to have your dancer DRESSED and READY to go at 6:00 sharp at Madison High School. Either me or my husband will be at the door telling you where to go. :)

We DO NOT have dance on Wednesday the 19th...sorry! We are going out of town for the week. :) We tend to do that a few times in the winter to make up for the long working hours my husband puts in in the summer :) I hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone...We will hold dance for both a.m. classes on the 26th, just not the afternoon classes. We then perform again on that Friday, the 28th at 7:00p.m. at South Fremont High School. Again, keep checking the blog for any and all info!

Shoes that had to be reordered will be here for the performance! I will hand them out to you that day!!!! Hairstyles for the performance will be discussed at class FOR SURE tomorrow, so I will post the details of those next...thanks!!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dance tomorrow and dress rehearsal!

The shoes and tights that were ordered are here!! If you ordered shoes, please pay for them tomorrow so you can take them! :) Also, all costumes MUST be paid for this week because of the dress rehearsal on SATURDAY!!! Please have your dancer there!! Costumes cannot be taken home unless paid for :)

C & D classes tights are here...they are $13.oo..these are the 3:15 and 4:15 classes. Please be prepared to pay for those tomorrow, also so you can have them for the rehearsal, too. Shoes are $12.00. Please call me with any questions!!

Dance on the 19th is cancelled due to me being out of town :) Our first performance is the 26th...please see the side bar (top, right) for the schedules of all performances. Remember the rehearsal is at the South Fremont high school on Saturday, the 8th at 1:00. this should only be an hour. It is absolutely to the benefit of the dancer and her class to be there. If there is even one missing, it can confuse a lot of girls...please try to be there so the dancers can be more comfortable come performance time! :)

thank you all for your patience and I hope everyone had a great holiday. Happy New Year and we will see you tomorrow! :)