Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Schedule change, shoes and tights info...

Tomorrow (the 15th) is a normal dance day, but due to Christmas break the next week, we will hold dance on Monday, the 20th. Now, all morning classes will come at 10:30 a.m. and dance for each other and practice it through a couple of times. I am not planning on this session to be longer than 45 minutes. PLEASE be there if you can. The girls need another practice in before the 2 week break!!!

The 3 afternoon classes will need to be here at 4:30...the oldest class (5:20 class) can be here closer to 5:00. Again, we will just be performing the dances for each other so this should not take longer than 45 minutes-hour. Thank you all so much for your patience and support. The girls are doing great!!!!

Also, if you are interested in buying shoes from me, please call or leave a comment here or come into the gym and write your dancers STREET shoe size down for me. I MUST know them by tomorrow so I can order them/ The two morning classes need white tights and white shoes. I WILL NOT be purchasing white tights. The 3:15 and 4:15 classes both need tan tights (which I will order so they all match) and black shoes. The last class (5:20) needs NO shoes and black FOOTLESS tights. Again, I will order both the black and white shoes for you if you would like the nice leather kind. The shoes are $13.00 and the tights are $12.00. These, along with all costumes, MUSt be paid in full for by the 8th of January (our dress rehearsal) Please call me with any questions! Thank you!!!! 356-7226

We will see you all back on the 5th of January! I wish you all a Safe and Happy Holiday season!


Gentry Family said...

Michelle- if it's not too late we probably should get Lucy those shoes. She wears a 1 1/2

Mike and Bridgett said...

If you haven't ordered already, will you order Brin a size 1? Sorry I am always a day late. :) Do what you can with me. Thanks!!