Friday, April 20, 2012


Thank you... I will love and miss you all!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Program for Recital on Wednesday!

The recital will begin at 6:30 p.m. It would be amazing if all dancers COULD be there by 6:00. The hip hip teacher will be there then and I think that it would be very beneficial to run through those dances once before they perform them. whoever is there early will get to practice one last time. If you can, please have your dancer(s) there at 6:00! thank you!!!

Here is the order of performances with costume changes:
They need to come in the following costumes:

1- Princess Dance (3-4 yr. olds) ; Princess dresses

* After this dance moms will need to go help them change into their poodle skirt costume. They will then need to sit as a group on the side of the gym.

2- "Thriller" (All Wednesday Classes); Black Bottoms with old tattered t-shirt on top (see last post if wondering what I mean by t-shirts...)

* After this dance, each dancer needs to change into their hip hop costume (i.e. see older post for details. black/pink, black/silver, all black costumes).

3- Cheer (Tuesday afternoon classes); Anything pink, blue, yellow, or seafoamy green/ teal. I added that color because there is a lot of it this season. Will look cute...please see older post for all details on this...

* These dancers need to STAY in this costume until they perform "Back in Time"

4- First Hip Hop dance ( Wed. 3:15); They should be wearing ALL black and pink.

* After this dance they need to change into their "Love Me" costume and sit on the side of the gym in a group.

5- Second Hip Hop dance (Wed. 4:20) They should be wearing all BLACK, white, and silver for this dance.
* After this dance they need to go put on their costume for Beat It and sit together as a class on the side of the gym.

6- Third Hip Hop Dance (Wed. 5:25); they need to wear ALL black with the jackets from their "pump up the jam" on.

*They need to put on the bottoms of their "Pump Up the Jam" dance after this and sit on the side of the gym

7- Back in Time (Tuesday afternoon classes); they should STILL be wearing their yellow, pink, blue, green outfits.

* They need to change VERY FAST into their "Dancing Queen & Boyfriend "costumes after this.
when they are finished they need to sit as a class at the side of the gym

8- I will introduce the youngest class and "Love Me", and "Beat It" class at this time and give them their pictures so the other classes have enough time to change. Please help them change quickly so they do not miss their dance.

9- We will begin with the performance dances just like we performed them at the halftime.
* After this I will give the remaining 3 classes their pictures and introduce them.
I have a gift to give all the dancers so Please do not leave until the very end.

There are about 6 different dancers that I have not received full payment for the year. If you do not receive a text before wednesday, then you are paid up. If you receive a text, please pay at the recital. You can pay me or Bridgett. Thank you so much!!

This recital will be very bittersweet for me. I will miss the girls and the friendships I have made with you as their parents. I really, truly, owe it to you all for giving me this chance to fulfill this dream I had of opening a dance studio. Without you it would have never come true. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart...I will miss you and hope to continue many of your friendships in the future. I hope your daughters had fun, but I hope they learned a lot, too. I love them all and I appreciate all the patience and understanding you all had for me and my crazy winter this year. Thanks once again for giving me a chance. I hope it was worth it for all of you.
Love, Michelle

Monday, April 2, 2012


I am back and already feeling better! I am still a little sore, so the subs are coming out again this week to help...PLEASE have your dancers there. This is technically our last "normal" week of dance!!!

All classes will resume as normal this week, All Tuesday afternoon classes will come from 4-5 again.

Next week: April 10th & 11th- We will be having combined group lessons this week to go over the recital. TUESDAY morning will come as normal from 10-10:45; TUESDAY afternoon CLASSES will come at 4:00-4:45 on this day. This way the girls will be familiar with the order and can practice altogether for one last time.

ALL WEDNESDAY CLASSES will come at 4:15-5:15. They all need to practice together.

We will see everyone at classes this week, I understand it is Spring Break for some of us, so if you can be there, please do. Thanks everyone!!!!
There are NO classes the week of the recital. The recital is Wednesday, April 18th at 6:30 pm at the SOuth Fremont High School. All dancers need to be there by 6:15. There is NO charge for this. Should be a great show!!!! I Hope! :)

Costume info. for recital VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!:

In Leiu of t-shirts this year, I would like to do something that I think will be really cool if everyone is willing to help me out. :) Here are the "costume changes":

*3-4 yr olds (Tues. at 10:oo) Princess dresses. Any will do...if you don't have one you can borrow one from me!

*Both Tuesday afternoon classes: For their cheer and 2nd dance (back in time) they need to wear there ANYTHING that is yellow, pink, and or blue. I am talking pastel color tones. It can be a mix of all 3 colors or only 2, or even only one. They will be barefoot, but anything they are wearing MUST be these colors. The more the mix the better. They can even wear hats or gloves, leg warmers...anything that is these 3 colors. Does that make sense? The bigger and brighter AND funner the better. This looks really cool when they perform. The cheer lists these 3 colors, that is why I chose these. Any questions please call, or bring the outfit and I can check it out. Please no graphics, unless they are done in one of these colors. we want to keep it these colors only.

*For All Wednesday classes: First, they all perform Thriller together, so they need to bring some black bottoms (anything stretchy will do) and I would like them to look like "zombies" as much as we can quickly throw together. My thoughts are either white, black, or red plain t-shirts (like their dad's old one...) or one that is big so that it is baggy and tear it, burn it, whatever you have to do to make it look old and tattered. a Deep red tone for reds would be best...but we need black and white, even grey would be fine. let's see what we can come up with! It should look cool if we can make them look as old and worn and tattered as possible.

*For Wed. at 3:15: For their second dance, they need to wear there anything that is pink, white, and black. THEY MUST Be in this color scheme. Any shade of pink will do. THe more the better. All 3 colors would be best for this look. No graphics unless they are in this color scheme. They can wear hats, gloves, leg warmers, skirts, anything big and fun. The bigger and more the better. Any questions, please call me!!!

*For Wed. at 4:20: For their second dance, they need to wear anything they have that is silver, black and white. Mix and match. the more the better. hats, gloves, leg warmers, etc. are all ok, as along as they stay in this color scheme. No graphics unless they are in the color scheme. Any questions please call me.

For Wed. at 5:20. we would like them in solid BLACK. They will keep their jackets on from their costume they already have, but they need to wear black on their legs and bodies. the more the better. Go crazy with the black. we want it to be different and fun. All styles graphics. JUST BLACK. call me with any questions.

*Hopefully this all makes sense. I will expplain more at dance for the next 2 weeks. I saw this look at a dance competition I went to last year and it looked SO cool. This may sound confusing, so call me with questions. I will let you know the order we will perform dances soon, so u will know what to bring and what to wear there for sure. thanks everyone. The recital should be amazing this year!!!! Michelle 356-7226 or text me at 569-6626

Sunday, March 25, 2012

I am having a minor surgery

SO for the past while I have been suffering from horrible stomache aches and come to find out it is my Gall Bladder. I am having to have it taken out on Tuesday morning, so I am out of commission this week, although the cheerleader and hip-hop teacher will be schedule is normal. Normal as in what we've been doing for the past few weeks. Tues. afternoon will still come at 4-5. Is everyone ok with keeping with that for the ret of the year? We only have about 3 weeks left, and the girls really do need to practice the cheer and one dance together. If that does not work for you, please let me know. I do not want to mess up anyone's schedule more than I already have!!! Sorry I will not be here yet again, but this is something I need to have taken care of asap before my hubby goes back to work.

Remember the final recital is set for APRIL 18th, at the South Fremont High School at 6:30 p.m. Please mark this on your calendars and invite anyone to attend. This event is FREE to all!!!! yeah!!!

Also, there are 2 dancers who have not yet paid for pictures...I do not know who you are, but the photographer does and she would like paid asap. Your dancer will not get her pictures until she is paid!!

Also, I hate this part, but please make sure your accounts are all paid in full by the first of April. I really appreciate it! If not, you will receive a notice, also!! thanks everyone!! I will be back out there next week!! -Michelle

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Performance Wednesday!!!

This Wednesday is a performance at Madison High School! Please be there no later than 7:00!!! Meet in the auxillary gym by 6:50. The Tuesday classes are the first to perform, so if you come later than 7:15, you will probably miss it!!!!

Also, that means that there are NO wednesday classes because of the performance tomorrow. Regular schedule next week.

The Final performance is scheduled for Wednesday, April 18th at 6:30 at the South Fremont High school! Yeah!!!
Thanks everyone and we will see you tomorrow night!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Tuesday afternoon classes will all come at 4:00 for the next few weeks, or until we feel they have learned the "cheer" well enough to go back to regular classes. Wednesday classes are all on normal schedule.

The Wednesday at 4:20 class ("Beat it") has not had 100% attendance since Christmas. this is definitely a problem right now. A lot of the same girls are missing, and we are learning a new hip hop dance. We have to reteach every week because of the amount of girls missing from the week before.PLEASE have your dancers there unless they are sick...if they do not know the hip hop dance well enough come recital time, they may not be able to perform it. we need all the girls there! thanks!

We have a performance at Madison High School next Wednesday (the 21st) at 7:00 p.m. It is being filler numbers for the Drill Team final recital. The first 3 classes will perform in one clump at the beginning of the night, the last 3 will perform in the middle. There will be no dance that Wednesday afternoon. Please have your dancers there and ready no LATER than 6:50 p.m. I will schedule our final recital date this week and will post all that info. when I schedule it. Thanks again! HOpe to see you all this week at lessons! :)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I am still holding dance today even though the weather is kinda crazy...just be careful coming out. I am more worried about the visibility if you feel like it is too nasty to drive out here, then don''s not worth anyone being stressed! If you do come out, just give yourself enough time to not rush.

Be sure to read post below!!! Thanks everyone and be careful out there!!!!