Friday, April 29, 2011

Thanks to everyone!!!

Thank you to everyone for everything this dance year! I still have some pictures for those of you who weren't there at the recital. I also have a WHOLE bunch of recipe books because I forgot to hand them out. If you want one please let me know!!! THanks again! I loved my flowers and gift card and candy bar poster. You ladies are the best!!!! :)

Also, I am starting to teach ZUMBA for anyone interested...I will teach Mon., Wed., and Thurs. nights from 8:45-9:45. The first class is free and after that it is $3 a class or $25 for 10. I would love anyone and everyone to come out and "join the party". It's been great so far...

Thanks again! I love your girls!!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Recital time is here!!!!

PLEASE have all dancers at the recital at 3:45 tomorrow so that I can make sure they are all there before we begin at 4:00 sharp! The two morning classes need to be in their t-shirts at the beginning (these are just over the top of their costumes). The rest of the classes (all afternoon classes) will wear their t-shirts for the very last dance. The order of dances goes as follows:

1- I'm a little Teapot
2-"when I look at you"
3-Eenie Meenie
4-Loser Like Me (solo)
5- Gift of a Friend
6-Girls Just wanna have fun
8-Party in the USA- Finale
9-Gifts, acknowledgements, pictures

PLEASE do not leave until after I introduce each dancer, give them their pictures, and a gift from me. I will anticipate the entire recital to last only 45 minutes to an hour. Remember to bring all shoes, wear their hair as they are suppose to, and put some blush and lipstick on your dancer! :)

Remember: "When I look at you" class wears black bottoms for the Party in the USA dance. parents are responsible to help change their dancer AFTER they perform their When I look at you dance. (HOpe that makes sense!)

Thanks for a great year everyone!!! If any of this is unclear and you have any questions, please call me at 356-7226!

I will miss all the girls this summer! I have had a fantastic year with them all and I hope they have had fun, too! Thanks to all you parents for your dedication and support! Without you there would be no sugar and spice dance co.!! I really appreciate you and your beautiful daughters. Thanks again for a great year!!!

**** Also, if you contributed to the recipe book and have not yet received a copy, please find Bridgett AFTER the recital and she will give you one... if you would like one and did not contribute, then it is $2.00 a copy. EVERYONE should want one, there are some GREAT recipes in this thing! :)****

Monday, April 18, 2011

Times for rehearsal on Wednesday!!!

ALL morning classes will come at 10:30-11:15 on THIS Wednesday (the 20th). This is the last class lesson of the year!!!

ALL afternoon classes will come at 4:00-5:00 on THIS Wednesday to practice the finale number. PLEASE have all dancers there!!!

Also, the recital is THIS Saturday, April 23rd at 4:00 sharp at the South Fremont High School. Please have all dancers there by 3:45 dressed and ready to go. They need to ALL be in their performance costumes but BRING their t-shirts!!! They will just throw the t-shirts over their costumes EXCEPT THE 4:10 CLASS. (When I Look At You) Class, all these dancers will need to bring something black to change into with the t-shirts on. I announced this a few weeks ago at class, but I don't know if everyone has heard about it yet, if not, I am sorry. I kept forgetting to blog it. All this class needs is black leggings, shorts, whatever as long as it is black. Their tutu's are just too poofy to wear with the t-shirt. I have several black things between my 3 daughters if anyone needs to borrow something. Again, it is this class only. All other classes are okay.

Please note the sign up sheets that will be hanging in the waiting room on Wednesday. Due to a large amount of sign-ups and I haven't opened it to the public officially yet, I decided to split classes and teach 2 days a week. This way I can accept new students, yet keep the numbers in each class down. There will be 2 afternoon classes held on Tuesdays and only 1 morning class with all girls between the ages of 3-5. Check out the papers so this will make sense and let me know if the day I have your daughter in will not work.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Please try to have your dancer there for dance today!!! We are just polishing up everything for the recital (ESPECIALLY AFTERNOON CLASSES!) Last week we had way too many missing and it is hard to polish things up with our finale dance when not everyone is there.

Also, t-shirts are here, so I will hand those out today to those who have paid for them. If you have not paid please do that today! thanks!!! $10.

Also, if you are not yet paid up for the year, please do that today or next week.

Next week the morning classes will come together at 10:30 a.m. and all 3 afternoon classes will come together at 3:30-4:15.

The recital is set for April 23rd at 4:00 pm. It will be short and sweet! :) Thanks everyone! If you have problems or concerns please call me at 356-7226!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Attention to these moms who need to come and look at pictures again...due to the writing of wrong numbers :)

Lyndsee Gundersen, Bridgette Gneiting, Claire Gentry, Shayna Hodges, Marta Tuckett, and Jess Baler.

No big deal, but the computer will be here tomorrow only! If you cannot make it let me know, but Elisa NEEDS to get these ordered to be here before recital time. Please come in and take a quick peak. THanks!!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Recital is set!

RECITAL is set for Saturday April 23rd at 4:00p.m. at the South Fremont High School. PLEASE try to be there! It is the end of the year. I can't believe it! SIgn ups are still open for next year. My afternoon classes are all full, butI do have room in the 6th grade plus and the 3 & 4 year old classes. See you all Wednesday! Also, thanks to all of you who have contributed a recipe or 2!! So far i have a whole bunch!! I am starting to organize them now, so I will hopefully have them ready to print by next week. If you want a copy e-mail me a recipe (or bring one to dance) by Wednesday or pay $2 to get a copy! Thanks everyone!